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OpenFish API documentation

OpenFish provides an API to access stored marine footage, and video annotations / labels, allowing clients to retrieve and filter the data.

Clients can download segments of footage or video annotations by querying by location, time, and other parameters.


OpenFish has optional support for requiring user authentication.

User authentication is provided using Google Cloud's Identity Aware Proxy (IAP). By default it is disabled, to use it you need to pass the command line flag --iap or set the environmental variable IAP=\"true\" to enable it.

Roles and permissions

If user authentication is enabled, the following roles and permissions apply:

AdminCan add and remove annotations, videostreams, capturesources, users, and species.
CuratorCan select streams for classification.
AnnotatorCan add annotations, and delete their own annotations
Readonly (default)A readonly user is only be able to look at annotations, not make any